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The Buzz on Estate Tax

The Economic Growth and Tax Relief Act of 2001 gradually phases out the federal estate tax until its complete repeal in 2010. However, under the same law, the estate tax is scheduled to return in 2011.

Since 2001, there have been a number of failed attempts to make the estate tax repeal permanent. In fact, there are still several bills in Congress that include provisions to eliminate this tax. While it's clear President Bush would sign such legislation, the recent changes in Congress make it less likely he'll get the chance to do so. The question remains, though: Will permanent repeal become law, and if so, what are the potential ramifications?

Good-bye Estate Tax; Hello Capital Gains
Repeal does not mean that tax on wealth transfers from one generation to the next will disappear. While currently a tax is imposed on estates, after repeal, a tax will be imposed indirectly on inheritances in the form of capital gains tax. Here's a simplified explanation.

Under the current tax system, property that is transferred to heirs at the owner's death typically gets a "step-up" in tax basis to the current fair market value. Generally, tax basis refers to the cost the owner paid to acquire the property, and is used to compute capital gains tax when the property is sold.

On the other hand, when property is transferred by gift, the recipient receives a "carryover" basis; the tax basis in the hands of the person making the gift generally becomes the recipient's tax basis.

One of the consequences of estate tax repeal in 2010 will be that the step-up in tax basis will be lost. Heirs will receive a carryover basis on inherited property, and will recognize the capital gain (or loss) when the property is sold at some point in the future.

The Impact on You
According to the IRS, estate tax affects only 2% of Americans. Capital gains tax, though, can affect anyone who owns capital assets such as real estate, buildings, and industrial equipment. Therefore, unless the step-up in basis remains, estate tax repeal is likely to result in creating a higher tax bill for a greater percentage of less-wealthy Americans. Further, repeal will create a paperwork headache for heirs who will have to determine the decedent's tax basis in the property they've inherited.

Pros and Cons of Permanent Repeal
Proponents of permanent repeal regard the estate tax as morally unfair and an obstacle to family business continuity and growth. Critics call permanent repeal a boon to the mega-rich and fiscal suicide in a time of budget deficits, a Social Security and Medicare crisis, and war. The confusing reality is that there is statistical evidence can support both sides...and you do remember what Mark Twain said about statistics right?

One thing is certain: The uncertainty of our current estate tax is a burden on Americans and their financial planning which must re-evaluate estate planning options every year. For many on both sides of the issue, sensible reform is a preferable alternative to the success or failure of permanent repeal.

In 2007, the Democrats regained power in Congress after 12 years of Republican control. The new Congress has been pursuing a fresh agenda and temporarily set estate tax relief on the back burner. When the issue does resurface, it's likely that Congress will support reform over full and permanent repeal. Reforms such as lowering the estate tax rates to match capital gains tax rates and/or increasing the exemption amount have been proposed. Other options that have been discussed include doubling the exemption amount for married taxpayers, phasing out the tax over a five- or ten-year period, and replacing the estate tax with an inheritance tax (which would essentially shift the tax burden to the heirs). It remains to be seen what will be done, if anything.

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This is one of the best articles I have read about the issue of "step up in cost basis". Thank you. People need to be aware of the pending legislation that will affect millions of Americans and Billions of dollars. As a realtor for almost 30 years, I advocated the transfer of property to your children because of the step up in basis. I no longer support that strategy because the national debt is so high, changes will have to be made. This loop hole I believe will be the first to go or certainly significantly changed. Therefore, I now promote getting the property out of your estate by other means. Preparation is key. Start now! Everyone turning 50 should start downsizing with alternative strategies that prepare for the inevitable. I know that is what I am doing for my aging baby boomers entering retirement.
Thanks for the feedback, Mark. We completely agree that accurate information is critical at this point in the national discussion. With the rules changing yearly, it's important for consumers to obtain sound, reliable information from hired professionals.
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