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'; } ?>
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What is Concierge Health Care?

Concierge health care is a primary-care arrangement that requires you, the patient, to pay your physician an annual retainer fee (often over and above your health insurance premiums) in exchange for improved access and services.

Such retainer fees may range from a low of $1,500 to as much as $20,000 per year...the more you pay, the more services you get. In exchange, you receive same- or next-day appointments (with no reception-room waiting), extended office visits, 24/7 telephone and/or e-mail access to your doctor, and an annual intensive physical. For additional fees, higher benefits are also available; this includes house calls, home delivery of prescribed medications, and continuous personalized care. Your primary care doctor may even accompany you to appointments with specialists, and will coordinate your care even during hospital stays, rather than handing you over to the hospital's staff physicians.

In a concierge health-care plan, your doctor sees fewer patients (the average caseload is 300, compared to 2,500 for doctors in managed-care plans). While some concierge plans don't accept health insurance, most do. Whenever possible, your doctor will bill your health insurance provider (or Medicare) for payment for services provided.

However, most health insurance plans require participating doctors to accept the plan's rates as payment in full for the covered services, and Medicare generally prohibits doctors from charging Medicare recipients anything more than what Medicare pays. As a result, concierge health-care providers who participate in Medicare must be careful to charge annual retainer fees only for services health insurance or Medicare won't normally cover.

While concierge health care obviously has its perks, you should make sure you understand exactly what is covered by the annual retainer fee before you sign up for it.


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