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'; } ?>
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The Real Secret to Instant Wealth

As money experts, we are constantly asked the question, "How do I become a millionaire?" In the past, our responses involved stock market returns, saving wisely, and spending less...all quantitative measures. And honestly, these elements have been important in unlocking the doors of financial freedom for millions. But after speaking with audiences around the country--and learning from our own clients--we now understand that the answer isn't necessarily found on a bank statement or in an investment account. The answer is actually revealed with a simple word: Passion.

Now let's be real. Passion alone won't necessarily make your dreams of financial independence come true. Many people are passionate about many things (i.e. designer shoes, Paris Hilton's love life, and the 1972 Miami Dolphins) but this doesn't necessarily spell success.

Opportunities for personal growth exist for an increasing number of Americans, but they may not all succeed. Key traits that we constantly observe in our "well off" clients include determination, insight, and a strong belief in oneself. wrote about an interesting group of people it calls The $5 Million Club, and the characteristics listed above are found in every profile.

So, try this. For a moment, forget about money. Just think about what excites you. If the paycheck wasn't a concern, then what would you love to spend the rest of your days doing?

Would you want to:
  • Play the concert piano?
  • Sail the open seas?
  • Volunteer at the local community center?
  • Teach our nation's youth?
  • Photograph the world?
In our observations, problems arise when individuals reverse this cycle and focus on the amount of money they want to earn...and then select a (often undesirable) job that will allow them to make the desired salary. However, this order is unnatural and often leads to burnout and early-career frustration, particularly since money can create an insatiable appetite for more.

Instead of focusing solely on salary, what if you decided to pursue your dreams? Imagine the personal happiness and success you would enjoy if you actually loved what you did. As the saying goes, "Do something you love for a living, and you'll never work another day in your life."

So now, when people ask us, "How do I become a millionaire?", we respond with another question: "What do you love to do?". To be clear, passion is how you let go of the fear and greed, and ultimately, how you become wealthy.

Even though we are money experts, we understand that wealth is about much more than the dollars and cents in your bank account. Wealth is the spiritual, emotional, and physical fulfillment that comes when you truly find yourself, achieve peace, and fulfill your dreams. Cash does indeed influence these factors, but the dollars in your pocket are only the means to a greater end.

Money is a poor master, but a great servant.


Keep a level head, CREATE a plan, and stick to it!!
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