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'; } ?>
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How to Borrow $1 Billion and Pay Only 2.50% in Interest

Times are tough. You've got bills. You need cash. And even though we can't know specifically how much money you need to get by, would several billion dollars help? Oh, and don't worry about the interest rate. We'll just settle for a few pennies on the dollar...let's say two-and-a-half percent...sound fair enough?

Even though our tongue is firmly in cheek with this consumer loan scenario, the nation's Federal Reserve is actually quite serious in extending these terms to Wall Street's investment banks. See for yourself as Jeannine Aversa of the Associated Press reports:

"The Fed, for the first time, agreed on March 16 to let big investment houses temporarily get emergency loans directly from the central bank. This mechanism, similar to one available for commercial banks for years, will continue for at least six months. It was the broadest use of the Fed's lending authority since the 1930s.

Big Wall Street investment companies have jumped all over the Federal Reserve's unprecedented offer to obtain emergency loans, borrowing more than doubled than in the program's debut week.

Those firms averaged $32.9 billion in daily borrowing over the past week from the new lending program, compared with $13.4 billion the previous week, the central bank reported Thursday. The program, which began last Monday, is part of the Fed's effort to aid the financial system.

On Wednesday alone, lending reached $37 billion.

This lending facility is seen as similar to the Fed's "discount window" for banks. Commercial banks and investment companies pay 2.5 percent in interest for overnight loans from the Fed."

From Wall Street to Main Street
Well isn't that thoughtful of Uncle Sam. Lending $200+ billion dollars to our nation's investment banks. I suppose Joe HomeOwner doesn't have much to gripe about anyway. He's getting a hefty rebate check for $600 in May!

A Bailout is a Bailout
Corporate lifelines are tossed towards the flailing companies as necessary components in ensuring our financial markets' ongoing solvency. But consumer assistance is viewed as "unnecessary government intervention" which interferes with our nation's free expands the government and is seen as wasteful spending.

Give me a break.

I see no difference between the two. But then again, I'd better be quiet or the U.S. Treasury may to decide that my $600 rebate check should get "lost in the mail"...


Yet another vindication of the rule that laws are made for the rich by the rich.
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