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'; } ?>
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Is My Money Safe in the Bank?

Over the past few days, we've been inundated by clients and website visitors with the same question:

"If my financial institution goes bankrupt, will I lose the assets in my checking, savings, certificate of deposit (CD), brokerage, 401k, or Individual Retirement Account (IRA)?"

In a single word: No.

National news outlets have done a superb job scaring the pants off of main street by reporting on the financial woes of Wall Street. Here's a recap of the players if you're scoring at home:
But we sure wish these same news organizations would do the general public a great service by educating you on the federal consumer protections which exist to protect against your loss of bank deposits and investment assets.

Understand Your Federal Protections
As for bank deposits such as checking accounts, savings accounts, and CDs, your assets are protected (up to $100,000 per bank) by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, often referred to as the FDIC. This means, if your bank goes under, the FDIC will step in and replace every dime you held in deposits at that bank within a matter of days, up to the $100k limit.

Rest assured in knowing that no consumer in U.S. history has ever lost money that was on deposit in an FDIC insured institution. But how do you know if your bank has FDIC insurance coverage? Surf over to the FDIC's nifty online tool and find out asap. If your bank is not listed, then move your cash into an institution that is!

Will a Market Meltdown Liquify My Portfolio?
When discussing the stock market, there are two distinct concerns here:
  1. The market value of the stocks, bonds, and mutual funds in your portfolio
  2. The solvency of the custodial institution at which your portfolio is held
As for the first point, no government-based consumer protections exist to guard against the decline in the value of the securities you hold inside of a 401k, brokerage, or Individual Retirement Account. Similarly, no federal laws protect consumers against investment fraud; however, investment brokers such as Charles Schwab and E*Trade have rightly enacted these anti-fraud security measures themselves.

On the other hand, if your accounts are all held at MEGA Brokerage (fictional) and MEGA Brokerage itself declares bankruptcy, then yes your assets are protected against total loss by the federal government and its Securities Investment Protection Corporation, or SIPC. Note that the SIPC also has limits: $500,000 in stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, and $100,000 for brokerage cash.

No Time to Relax
Please read the above four words carefully. They do not say "panic"...far from it in fact, these are the times for a heightened sense of awareness, to pay closer attention to bank account statements, and stay tuned in to your favorite news outlets. We're embarking on a prolonged period of national economic turmoil, and as a financial professional, I advise everyone to remain prudent and patient.


Hey Justin. Nice. But what about the 99 years that the FDIC has to repay you if your bank lost the money?
Good question Chris...and one which I've received before. Actually the 99 year FDIC repayment policy is a myth. The FDIC has disputed the mis-information publicly and adheres to the federal guidelines which require the FDIC to make payment "as soon as possible". In fact, the FDIC typically pays insurance within a week after a bank closing either by establishing an account at another bank or giving you a check.

A quick fact: No depositor with money inside an FDIC-protected institution has ever lost a single cent that wasn't recovered.
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